Monday, August 22, 2016

Next Great Adventure

Hi guys!
How have you all been? I know it has been a very long time since I have posted. But, I am back now and plan on posting every day. With all that being said,  let me just recap on what an amazing Senior year I had...
Once you enter the high school world, it all becomes a whirlwind. You spend the next four years of your life counting down the day until you are out of that place, for good. Then once that time has finally come, you experience your "last" first day, your "last" first pep rally, your "last" first football game, your "last" first anything, you begin to wish time would slow down. Many great things happen your final year of high school; all those years of studying and keeping good grades pay off, all those years you put into something you love finally pay off, etc. But, with many good things, come many sad things; you make new friends that turn into best friends that you wish you had met four years ago, you begin to realize that your life is fixing to change within a matter of months (which is also a good thing).
I experienced many of those great and sad things, but in the end it was all really amazing. Senior year was by far my favorite year of high school, it was the year I began to discover who I really was, who I wanted to be. I cherished every moment of Senior year, I cherished all the new friendships I had formed, all the amazing moments that I knew i would never be able to relive. Senior year I made myself proud,  I accomplished so much more than I could have hoped for. I accomplished many things throughout my high school career that make me proud. I did things that I never thought would be possible. I am forever grateful for my time spent in high school, it helped guide me to who I want to be.
For those of you who are just starting high school or those of you who are getting ready to finish high school, hold onto every moment and cherish it forever, because pretty soon you will be wishing to do it  all one more time.

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