Friday, July 24, 2015

The end and the beginning

Hi guys!
My senior year is upon me. Big things are going to start happening, well exciting things I should say. One chapter of my life will be ending and a new exciting chapter will begin. As I have gotten older I realized I wished away my childhood. I spent most of my elementary and high school years patiently awaiting the day where I get to go out on my own. I have always been independent, I have never liked depending on anyone. Growing up and having my own life is something I have always looked forward to. As it is approaching, even though it is a year away, it is quite frightening. I have many fears about entering college and living on my own. I fear that I may fail at "adult" life. But I do not think that is really possible. I know what I want to do with my life and once I set my mind to do something, I go after it and never give up. I have a great family, an amazing and supportive boyfriend, and some great friends so I will not have to go through this transition alone.
What about you guys, what are your fears? Do you know what you want to do with your life? If so, leave a comment.
Here is a sneak preview of my senior pictures